Simply a collection of WAV drum samples I have been collecting, and guess what, they are free!
I have separated different kits/rooms/sessions into different folders below, each with each instruments’ folders.
The file names go as ‘Dynamic’ + ‘Instrument’ + ‘Sample Variation’. The variations are simply different hits that might sound louder, softer, punchier, fatter, brighter, or anything else that changes from hit to hit when a human plays the drums.
These are royalty-free, but I would love to hear any work you create using these, so please tag me on socials (links for these in the main page) or let me know through the ‘Contact’ section of the website.
These single-shots have been processed, either in the subtlest of ways, by letting those nasty old toms ring loud and proud, or with a silly amount of compressors, gates, EQ’s and anything else in-between for a more unique sound. If you’d like to work with the raw tracks or stems, please get in touch, and I can supply you with these, when available.